A range of services to assist with your lift or lift portfolio
Expert lift consultants, ARDENT Lift Consultancy offer a range of services to assist with your lift, or lift portfolio, to ensure the best advice is offered for the continued reliability and safety of the unit(s).
Below is a brief overview of some of the services we offer, although we can often tailor to your individual requirements.
The following services are examples of how ARDENT Lift Consultants can add expertise and value to your lift or lift portfolio. Often our services, when taken into the context of the contract, prove to be self-financing.
The savings you make, while improving standards of equipment and workmanship, often more than cover our fees.

First Line Visits
Independent Survey Reports
Risk Assessments
Maintenance Audits
PPM Surveys

Installation/Refurbishment Works
Traffic Analysis
Specification Writing
Project Overview
CDM Principal Designer Role
Witness Testing

Lift Maintenance Services
Lift Servicing Inspections
Maintenance Documents & Contracts
Lift Portfolio Management
Impartial Expert Advice